سيروم زيت الريتينول 0.5 المضاد للشيخوخة من كوسركس
سيروم زيت الريتينول 0.5 المضاد للشيخوخة من كوسركس
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Product Description
Product Description
A powerful anti-aging solution formulated with 0.5% stabilized pure retinol, perfect for intermediate users accustomed to retinol. It addresses progressive signs of aging like wrinkles, dryness, and loss of elasticity while nourishing the skin for a radiant glow.
Size: 20ml / 0.67fl. Oz
Key Ingredients: Pure Retinol (Vitamin A), Plant-derived Squalane, Tocotrienol (Super Vitamin E)
Texture: Silky-smooth, lightweight oil
Color: Slight yellow tint due to retinol
Recommended Use: Evening care, progressive tolerance-building.
0.5% stabilized pure retinol for advanced anti-aging care
No retinol derivatives or purified water in formulation
Targets deep wrinkles, fine lines, uneven skin tone, and loss of elasticity
Silky oil texture absorbs effortlessly for a luxurious skincare experience
Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Improves skin elasticity and firmness
Diminishes uneven texture and tone
Protects and nourishes with plant-derived squalane
Provides visible anti-aging results
How to Use
How to Use
Begin with an adaption period:
Weeks 1–2:
Apply 1–2 drops to target areas (e.g., under eyes, mouth, forehead, neck).
Use 2–3 times per week at night after cleansing.
Week 3 onwards:
Gradually increase to every other night as tolerated.
Spread over the entire face during the moisturizer step.
Build tolerance gradually.
Adjust the frequency based on your comfort level.
Mix with cream for customized application.
Visible reduction in wrinkles and fine lines
Improved skin firmness and elasticity
Smoother texture with an even tone
Noticeable glow and hydration
Shipping Information
Shipping Information
Orders are processed within 24 hours.
Standard delivery: 2-4 business days.
Packaging: Securely packed to prevent damage during transit.
Q: Is this suitable for beginners?
A: No, this is best for intermediate retinol users already accustomed to lower concentrations.
Q: Can I use it during the day?
A: No, this product is recommended for evening use only. Always follow with sunscreen during the day.
Q: What precautions should I take?
A: Avoid overuse initially and follow the adaption period to prevent irritation.
Q: Can it be combined with other active ingredients?
A: Avoid combining with other strong actives like AHAs, BHAs, and vitamin C during the same routine.
نوع البشرة | الجميع |
فوائد المنتج | مضاد للشيخوخة، بشرة مشدودة، أكثر تماسكًا، مضاد للحساسية، يقلل التجاعيد، ينعم البشرة |
استخدم ل | وجه |
رائحة | غير معطر |
ماركة | كوسركس |
حول هذا العنصر
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